Council supports youth vaping survey

Southend-on-Sea City Council’s public health team and Southend City Youth Council are working together to promote a new youth vaping survey.

A cartoon hand holding a black and red cartoon vape.

The survey aims to gather the views of young people, parents, and carers about e-cigarettes, known as ‘vaping’, with the results being used to inform future awareness campaigns about the effects of vaping and the benefits of stopping.

There are two surveys hosted by Essex County Council and supported by Southend-on-Sea City Council – one is aimed at all young people aged between 11 to 18 in Southend, not just those who use smoking products, as well as the parents, carers, and guardians of young people aged 11 to 18 years old in Southend, whether their children vape or not.

Cllr Kay Mitchell, cabinet member for adult social care and health integration, said: “We know very little about vaping habits and attitudes of vaping among young people in Southend, so the feedback will help us shape our future work around vaping in Southend which could include preventative work and new health policies.”

Thomas Cauchi, deputy youth mayor of Southend City Youth Council, added: “I have seen an increasing number of young people vaping and many people now see it as normal and are not acting on it.

“Therefore, the Southend City Youth Council want to help try and make a difference and promote these surveys to get as many views as possible from young people, parents and carers across Southend.

Both surveys will be live on Your Say Southend until Thursday 27 April 2023. The surveys are completely anonymous and confidential. You can access the surveys here:

If any member of the public would like to alert Trading Standards about shops in Southend selling vaping products to children, please call their consumer helpline number on 0808 223 1133.

Published: 10th March 2023

Southend-on-Sea City Council